Women’s cricket made its debut at RBCC in the late nineties, albeit briefly, as the transient nature of Brussels life and the arrival of small children curtailed its existence after just a year or two. However, in 2001, the club experienced a surge in general membership, rekindling our enthusiasm to revive the women’s division.

A significant turning point occurred in 2005 when we organized the inaugural Women’s Day, attracting participation from over 30 women across Brussels. Its resounding success transformed it into an annual event, a delightful, social, round-robin tournament held every June.

With each passing year, the number of women players grew steadily, capturing the attention of the Belgian Cricket Federation. In 2011, the federation approached RBCC Women, inquiring if they would be interested in forming Belgium’s first National Women’s Cricket Team. Nine talented RBCC women were chosen, marking their international debut for Belgium in July 2011. Since then, women from RBCC have proudly represented Belgium in various national competitions.

The momentum of women’s cricket in Belgium has been unstoppable. Our dedicated club organizers tirelessly create numerous opportunities for women to relish the sport, fostering an environment of fun, camaraderie, and cricket every summer. The calendar is brimming with events such as Inter-club games, the renowned Women’s Day, and home-and-away fixtures, ensuring ample cricketing action.

Regardless of skill level, we are always eager to welcome new members. So, if you fancy playing cricket, socializing with a wonderful community of like-minded women, and sharing a few laughs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. We eagerly anticipate your arrival at Royal Brussels CC, where you can enjoy not only the thrill of cricket but also the delightful company, perhaps even over a glass of wine at our club bar.

Alix Brodin 

Women Team Captain